Kultūras asociācija Portugālē aicina vidusskolas kļūt par projekta partneriem

Publicēts 09.09.2014

Projekts vērsts uz mācību procesa uzlabošanu ar dažādu mākslas formu palīdzību, kā arī starpkultūru sadarbības veicināšanu jauniešu jautājumos. Vidusskolas, kas būtu gatavas iesaistīties šajā projektā, aicinātas pieteikties līdz 15.septembrim.

‘We are a cultural Association in Portugal and we are looking for secondary schools in other European countries willing to participate in a KA2 Project on the Development of arts among young people (drama, music, dance, painting). The deadline of the application is 1st October and we accept communications of interest up to 15 September.

1. Improve and promote learning through the arts in European schools;
2. Promote the creation of European work network, betting on the creation of cultural players (young students); Promoting transnational cooperation in the youth field.

Description: The challenge proposed to schools is that these foreign, during the school year, prepare a theatre play, a moment of music and / or dance, a cheerleader and a piece of art, respecting an existing regulation. Once in Portugal, schools will compete against each other, with the participation of a school from Portugal.
Subsequently, there will be a European Forum for the Arts in Education, which will be present politicians and government officials, in order to build a proposal for the inclusion of Arts in European education systems, through the sharing of experiences and realities of the countries involved.

Partners: Europe High/secondary schools (48 participants per school)

Contact Deadline: 15.09.2014

Contact people: Mariana Sá
producao@escoliadas.com ou (+351) 968924024
geral@escoliadas.com ou (+351) 919357658

Escolíadas – Associação Recreativo-Cultural
Quinta dos Três Pinheiros, EN1, 3050 382 Mealhada
Tel:231 202 391 – Fax: 231 203 417
Email: geral@escoliadas.com
www.escoliadas.com – www.facebook.com/EscoliadasGliciniasPlaza

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