EDIC Palermo (Itālija) meklē projekta partnerus programmā „JUSTICE”

Publicēts 20.02.2015

Europe Direct informācijas centrs no Palermo (pilsēta Itālijā) meklē partnerus projektā, kura mērķis ir stiprināt izglītības iestāžu prasmes identificēt vardarbības upurus skolēnu vidū un noteikt potenciālos vardarbības izraisītājus. Sīkāka informācija angļu valodā: Europe Direct Palermo is looking for partners for the project under the Daphne call – Transnational projects linked to children as victims of bullying JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/BULL. Programme Justice Programme Daphne call – Transnational projects linked to children as victims of bullying JUST/2014/RDAP/AG/BULL Priority Combat bullying against children at school The project aims to strengthen the capacities of schools of the project regions to detect and identify children at risk of victimization as well as potential bullies. The project shall comprise the activities which envisage an analysis of bullying phenomenon done by a scientific group (sociologists, psychologists, teachers etc.) in order to the develop a software for identification and monitoring executioners and potential victims of bullying. Theatre laboratory (pilot activities) shall serve to treat the cases of bullying involving bullies and their victims in emotional exchange. Part of the activities shall be dedicated to strengthening capacities of school teachers in the field of bullying prevention. The applicant is looking for the partners specialized in the field of childcare, child protection etc. (a public body, a non-profit organisation), research and analysis institutions, organisations specilized in development of teachers’ tools. Target groups: School teachers, school children, public authorities Calendary Duration of the project: 24 months Expiry date of the Call The application must be submitted no later 10 March 2015. Contacts: Euromed Carrefour Sicilia – Europe Direct Via Principe di Villafranca 50 90141 Palermo Tel: +39 091 33 50 81 carrefoursic@hotmail.com europedirectpalermo@gmail.com

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