Meklē sadarbības partnerus Erasmus+ projektā

Publicēts 24.01.2017

Kabelsketales pašvaldība (Vācija) meklē sadarbības partnerus Erasmus+ KA 2 projektā pieaugušo izglītībā. Projekta mērķis ir labās prakses apmaiņa starp Eiropas brīvprātīgajiem ugunsdzēsējiem. Projekta pieteikuma iesniegšanas termiņš ir 29.marts.

Vairāk par projektu un tā ideju aprakstā angļu valodā.


Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education


Topic: Exchange of good practices among volunteer fire brigades across Europe

Brief Rationale:

The municipality of Kabelsketal is situated in Germany in the rural are between Halle and Leipzig. It consists of 4 localities and additional villages and has 6 volunteer fire brigades.

Volunteer fire brigades are an essential part of fire prevention in Germany. About 1.000.000 million people are voluntarily engaged in comparison to 30.000 people employed full time for the fire service. But especially in rural areas the willingness to become involved in a volunteer fire brigade is unfortunately decreasing. In order to counteract this trend, we would like to exchange good practices with volunteer fire brigades from other European countries.

The exchange will focus on the following relevant questions:

-        What is the public perception and the importance of volunteer fire brigades in different European countries?

-        What are the legal regulations regarding volunteer fire brigades in the respective country?

-        How are volunteer fire brigades organized and financed?

-        What is the educational framework/ training/ qualification behind volunteer fire brigades?

-        How do volunteer fire brigades acquire new/ enough members?

As a result the good practices answering the aforementioned questions will be collected and summarized on a project website. This will also help to disseminate the project and share the good practices with other voluntary fire brigades across Europe.


The project will last 24 months from September 2017 to August 2019. The project focuses on the exchange of best practices and no intellectual outputs will be included in the proposal.

-        4 transnational meetings to exchange about good practices in the respective country

-        Website featuring best practice examples

-        Translation of the website and the collected best practices into the partner languages


Project Management and Implementation:

250€ per month à 6.000€ for the whole duration of the project

Transnational Project Meetings:

Lump sum per person per meeting according to the distance

100 –  1.999 km: 575€

>= 2.000 km: 760€

Possibly exceptional costs for the translation of the website and the good practices into the partner languages.

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