Vercelli pašvaldība Itālijā meklē projekta partnerus ES programmā „Justice”. Programmas mērķis ir informēt sabiedrību par bērnu tiesībām ES valstīs, savukārt projekta mērķis ir celt kvalifikāciju speciālistiem, kas strādā ar bērnu tiesību aizsardzības jautājumiem bāriņtiesās, sociālajā dienestā un citās institūcijās.
Projekta iesniegšana 2015. g. 15. janvārī. Pašvaldības, kuras ieinteresētas iesaistīties projektā, aicinātas steidzami sazināties ar koordinatori, rakstot uz e-pastu:
ES līdzfinansējums: 80 %. Sīkāka informācija par programmu:
Lūdzu, skatīt papildus informāciju zemāk (angļu valodā)!
URGENT- Municipality of Vercelli – Social Policies is looking for partners for project relating to call JUST/2014/RCHI/PROF – Deadline for submitting proposal: 15/01/2015
Call: Call JUST/2014/RCHI/AG/PROF: Action grants to promote and protect the rights of the child by supporting transnational projects aiming to build capacity for professionals in child protection systems and judicial professionals representing children in judicial proceedings
Title: Ri-impara
Leader: Municipality of Vercelli – Social Policies
Area: Child protection
Overall objective: The project aims at supporting capacity building for legal, social, health workers and the policy representing children in judicial proceedings.
1)Specific objectives; To increase multidisciplinary capacity building for professionals working in North Piedmont Area (Vercelli, Biella, Novara e Verbano -Cusio -Ossola)
2)To create an innovative training system
1) Mapping of existing local needs
2)Training modules for legal, social, health workers and policy
3)Creation of network
4)Development and testing of innovative training module
Beneficiaries: Children and families involved in judicial proceedings
Target group: Legal, social, health workers and policy
Expected results:
1) Increase of capacity building for professionals on the rights and needs of children of different age groups in administrative, criminal and civil judicial proceeding;
2)Improvement of benefits and impacts for target group and children, especially disadvantaged group or children victims of crime and violence;
3)Promotion of good practices
Outputs; Workshops, training materials, guidelines, brochures..
-Interdisciplinary training through a previous analysis of the needs of professionals working in child protection system;
-Legal, social and health wokers, policy working with or representing children in judicial proceeding, will receive an innovative training system with the aim of creating a consolidated network.
European added value: Developement of innovative training system available and easily adaptable in all EU member States.
Contacts: Municipality of Vercelli
Ufficio Europa
Social Policies
Partners: Social services, training institution, Ngos working with children, Universities